Why does this website exist?
Because it’s really hard to find out accessibility info on some venues. Even when you email them and ask. It’s really frustrating to want to go to an event, but not know if you’ll even be able to get in the front door when you show up.
Why isn’t my favourite venue listed?
Either because we don’t know about it, or because we haven’t got round to it yet. We’re working on it!
Why is the information on this page incomplete?
This project is taking quite a lot of time and effort, to be fair. If you’ve got info on something we don’t know about, please get in touch!
Can you help me make my venue more accessible?
We can try! When we did our initial survey, we asked people what they looked for when they chose which events to go to, and that helped us pull together this list of advice:
- choose venues with step-free access (and accessible toilets) when possible
- add accessibility features (e.g. ramps, additional seating) where possible
- designate a safe area for people with mobility issues (and ensure staff and performers know where it is)
- ensure ticket pages are clear about what’s included (e.g. seating options, carer tickets)
- ensure event staff are educated on disabilities – especially non-visible ones
- ensure there are easily identifiable staff available to assist where necessary
- make accessibility information clear and easy to find!
Any other questions? Get in touch!